Lighting requirements

Discussion in 'Corals' started by bigman28, Dec 24, 2008.

  1. bigman28

    bigman28 Wrasse

    Will 325 watts of T5 lighting be sufficient for a montipora digitata and capriconia on a 75 gallon aquarium?
  2. donut

    donut Guest

    I think so. You should get the par meter and check your numbers. It's always interesting. We need to open a thread and put our par reading in it.
  3. camn55ivie

    camn55ivie Guest

    I think that is roughly 4 - 4 1/2 watts per gallon, this is OK. mind you just ok for these guys. I wouldn't expect alot of quick superficial growth, but they should be fine![​IMG]
  4. bigman28

    bigman28 Wrasse

    As of now I 216 watts of T5. I was going to order a 2nd pair but I decided to get a Hamilton reefstar 150 DE HQI pendant. That will bring up to 4.88 watts per gallon.
  5. camn55ivie

    camn55ivie Guest

    oh, man if u've got HQI then there's no way it wont live! I dont care about the wattage then.

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