Long Spine Urchin no longer long spined

Discussion in 'Invertebrates' started by schillerstreetreef, Apr 11, 2007.

  1. I noticed today that my long spine urchin no longer has long spines. It is about 4 years old now and from all observations continues to thrive - although he has not grown in size I have notices that his spines are about half the length that they were about a year ago. The length is very symetrical which lends me to believe that it is not a result of banging around the tank. I haven't done any research yet, just thought I would see if anyone had read anything that might explane this?
  2. ScubaDog

    ScubaDog Guest

    Sorry chris, my knoledge of sea urchins is limited. LOL all I know is to be carefull when scuba diving around them or you will end up with a sore forehead like me. And that they make a tasty (favorite snack) of the califorina sea otter.
  3. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    I have never heard about this before, but I have only done limited research on my urchins.
  4. tiger_eyed1

    tiger_eyed1 Guest

    Back in conway i had a small one that lost half it's spines. It was my fault b/c it wasn't getting enough food. Once i noticed, it had red sores where the spines were. I fed it a alge wafer once a week and within a month it was back to normal. Doesn't sound the same but that's all I can think of. Someone in the club has it not as i gave him up before the move.
  5. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

  6. sdf_beanhead

    sdf_beanhead Grouper

    Does it have the orange "eye spot" on top. Funny that where the poop comes out looks like an eye. If it doesn't have the orange, I think it probably isn't a longspine. We have a couple in the 55gal that are not long spine, but are black. Just a thought.

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