MIA PomPom Crab found

Discussion in 'Invertebrates' started by wlyon, Feb 17, 2012.

  1. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    I've had a pom pom crab in my fluval edge for about 8 months now I would guess.  I noticed I haven't seen it the last month or so (which is odd since it's in a 5 gallon tank that can be viewed from all sides haha) So last night I was acclimating my new TINY baby yellow tang to the tank and I decided I might as well try and find the little guy. I found him, and then saw this.

    So apparently my little guy, is actually a little girl.  Anyone have a male? haha  Not sure how long she will hold the eggs (I'm assuming they are eggs) without a male to fertilize them.

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