Moving my fishtank?

Discussion in 'General Reef Discussion' started by JustinBear, Feb 11, 2017.

  1. JustinBear

    JustinBear Plankton

    Well for starters I did started my fish tank in my main living area. Now my mother dosent want it in there, meaning i need to get it to my room. I know that moving the tank would be impossible without moving most of the rock (not that theres alot) but especially the water. would it be ok to siphen some water. Move fish to a large bucket with a heater and a bubbler, while i move the tank. i would remove the rest of the water into clean bins and then move the tank. add back the rock. then water, corals, then add back the fish? Im not sure if this is the best way of doing it. Any pointers or tips on how to do this? Any and all info helps.

    THIS WILL BE THE TANKS PERMANENT SPOT, even after i move out. I will be getting a 380gallon tank after i get settled down.
  2. jonwright

    jonwright RRMAS Supporter

    There's lots of info on moving tanks. I'm thinking your tank hasn't been around long, so that's good (could be wrong).

    You can guy one of those brute trash cans to keep the water and move the critters. You'd want to keep as much of the original water as you can reasonably do it. Keep it up to temp with a heater, but if it's a small tank and will only take an hour or two may not be a big deal. The rocks and all will keep the temp steady as well.

    Have some make up water ready so you don't have to mix it if you can as well. Don't move the tank with rocks in it, besides being heavy you'd have a higher chance of breaking it.

    You are on the right path, though. Take your time and know that however long you think it's gonna take - double it and add a couple hours.
  3. portereef

    portereef RRMAS Supporter

    Justin!.....If you are just moving it within the same house and its just going to be quick there is nothing wrong with putting the fish in one bucket with a few corals and another bucket for the rest of the corals. Depending on the size of the tank it should be a quick move with some help of some friends. I just moved houses and had zero problems with any of the livestock and I moved a 120 and 40. I am still getting the 120 set back up and it should be plumbed into the all in one system by monday my livestock form the 120 are living in the 100 gallon sump that I setup.

    If you have any other questions just shoot me a message on here I'd be glad to give you my number and get any issues straightened out over the phone!
    huntindoc likes this.
  4. JustinBear

    JustinBear Plankton

    Ok im going to be moving my tank within the next few days. Could i possibly change the substrate to a sand? during this time. I want to be able to keep a wrasse whom needs the sand. I find them much prettier.
  5. Kim

    Kim Secretary Staff Member


    I've heard that some folks will put a container of sand in the tank for the wrasse to sleep in if you don't want to completely switch over.

    Kim/Benton, AR
  6. portereef

    portereef RRMAS Supporter

    If you have the money I'd switch over but like Kim mentioned if that isn't an option go and get a container and sink it in the substrate you have already
    huntindoc likes this.
  7. JustinBear

    JustinBear Plankton

    I think im going to completly switch over. I dont really like the look of the crushed coral. its rather large.

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