My Reef Creations MR2 Protein Skimmer

Discussion in 'Product Review' started by schillerstreetreef, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. I purchased my MR2 about 4 years ago for around $240 when they were quite a bit cheaper than they are now. The MR2 protein skimmer is a becket injected skimmer meaning that water is forced through a specially designed chamber where a ball beats back and forth breaking up bubbles that are taken into the injector via the venturi effect. This type of skimmer requires a high flow pump (1000gph +) in order to cause the ball to beat back and forth fast enough to break up the air into tiny bubbles. One problem with becket injected skimmers is that anything that gets into the injector will adversely affect its production of skimate, even a strand of hair algae. So the injector must be cleaned on a weekly basis.

    The MR2 skimmer is built like a tank out of 1/4 cell cast acrylic with key hole flanges that allow for a tight seal around O-rings and easy disassembly for cleaning. The option of adding a unionn (quick disconnect) to the neck of the skimmer for removal is a must. There have been several upgrades since my purchase like dual becket injector option and a recirculating option.

    Pros - Built like a tank and has been very reliable for over 4 years now. Customer service for My Reef Creation is great and they have bent over backwards to help me resolve problems.

    Cons - Beckets must be cleaned weekly and this type of skimming requires a very high water flow into the skimmer, potentially making it more difficult to control micro bubbles on the output. The collection cup is a bit small and requires the use of a container that collects skimate from the collection cup but do not pay for the MRC version do a DIY of your own.


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