Need ID on worm

Discussion in 'Invertebrates' started by wlyon, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    While breaking down my tank and moving everything over I found these two
    guys. They are about a foot long.  Need to know if I can just throw in
    the new tank or if it needs to go away?[​IMG]
  2. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator

    If you don't want them ill take them.

    Raffle grabber
  3. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator

    Re: Re: Need ID on worm

    Sorry they are ok I have had them in my 10 with no problems.

    Raffle grabber
  4. reefmann

    reefmann Guest

    Just a large fire worm of sorts... throw them in the fuge
  5. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    That is what I was guessing they were, and thats exactly where they went haha thanks!

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