new fish

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by cindyk18, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. cindyk18

    cindyk18 Guest

    new powder brown tang and convict tang they look so good all the fish swimming together
  2. Absolutely Georgous fish Congrats !!! Thanks for sharing ! [​IMG]
  3. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    You better make sure you take care of my baby : )
  4. cindyk18

    cindyk18 Guest

    so far hes doing just fine everyone is getting along with him and hes eatting but not alot but he is eatting he loves seaweed
  5. rayzback

    rayzback Plankton

  6. cindyk18

    cindyk18 Guest

    sad news in the koplen house the convict tang didnt make it he died today was fine till i went to town and came home and was upside down trying to breath and a little later was dead
  7. Sorry to hear about the convict tang [​IMG]
  8. Sharla1234

    Sharla1234 Guest

    Sorry Cindy, he looked great. I hate when things like that happen. I'm sure you did all you could.
  9. cindyk18

    cindyk18 Guest

    well got new convict tang have for 6 days now and is doing fine eating real well thanks whill for holding and makeing sure eats well before i bought it
  10. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    again with the Whill, i'm going to start wearing a name tag haha, I'm glad this one is doing much better!
  11. Good Luck with the new fish !
  12. fishermann

    fishermann Guest

    How'd the pwdr brown like a new tang on the reef ???
  13. cindyk18

    cindyk18 Guest

    just fine no body bothered it

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