New Tank

Discussion in 'Beginning Reefers' started by pvtqueball, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. pvtqueball

    pvtqueball Guest

    Today I got my money for my 29g CF Nanocube b/c as soon as I Wake Up I will be going to the bank and then back home to Order it or go to lr or benton lol! I Have a few ?'s so if anyone reads this tonight I will be in our chat room! b/c I need to know other things that I will need to get! Thanks everyone who has helped me so far and I hope to get to meet all of yall in person!
  2. Rusty good luck with your new tank !  Once it's up, be sure to post us some pics
  3. pvtqueball

    pvtqueball Guest

    Pics are up in the tank Gallery! lol More to follow on Friday! lol

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