Quarantine ...

Discussion in 'General Reef Discussion' started by LJC6780, Mar 30, 2017.

  1. huntindoc

    huntindoc RRMAS BOD Membership Director Staff Member

    I saw birdsnest, several montipora, a bunch of brain corals including a cool war coral, what appears to be a Hollywood Stunner chalice. The one that looks like an urchin is a tube anemone...very cool. Yes those were mushrooms. At least one Lobophyllia. A couple of Trachyphyllia and maybe a cyphastrea

    There are smarter guys/gals that should chime in to correct me and add to the list.
    LJC6780 and Botheboss like this.
  2. Botheboss

    Botheboss Director-At Large

    Monti/chalice are the flat ones. Your right on the mushrooms and the second to last is a tube anemone. I think the last one is a monti picture is blurry though.
    LJC6780 likes this.
  3. LJC6780

    LJC6780 Grouper

    Thanks guys! I'll do some research on those guys so I'll be a bit more prepared! Many are quite large and I'm sure I could frag some up at some point!
    Botheboss likes this.
  4. LJC6780

    LJC6780 Grouper

    Also just looked up the two fish he said he'd take to the fish store.. they are pricey! I posted to see if anyone would be interested in them. If so I might save them from going back to the fish store.

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