Red Sea Max 650 For Sale

Discussion in 'Buy/Sell/Trade' started by Chriswade79, Aug 3, 2013.

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  1. Chriswade79

    Chriswade79 Guest

    I have a red sea max 650 for sale. I do not plan on parting it out. It is white and comes with a 1/4 hp chiller, next reef media reactor, uv sterilizer , 300 watt heater, 180 lb of Fiji premium live rock, 150 lb or tropic Eden sand, fish, and large sps and Lps corals. I'm also including a 90 gpd rodi, and to many fish foods, nets, test kits, filter socks, salt, refractometer and so on. I can't seem to figure out how to get pics on here with my phone but the tank is on eBay with a very detailed descripton also if you goggle red sea max 650 for sale I have the first you tube video that pops up. I will be more than happy to answer a questions you may have. I have over $16000 invested in this tank and I am selling it for $7,500 with everything included. Thanks
  2. gregnlr

    gregnlr Grouper

    Did you really just ask $7500 for your tank
  3. Chriswade79

    Chriswade79 Guest

    Yes sir I did. There is a lot more than just a tank that's included! Also when you consider its around $5,300 to get just the tank at your door and there's not a coral in there under $100 that's pretty fair if you ask me.
  4. reefjunky2

    reefjunky2 Administrator

    i want to meet the person that pays that price for it
  5. Chriswade79

    Chriswade79 Guest

    I'll hook you up.
  6. reefjunky2

    reefjunky2 Administrator

    no thanks and even thou u payed 5,300 for a brand new tank its gonna go for about a 1 a gallon used so thats a bout 200 for ur 180 and i looked ur tank up on ebay and ur corals are not that great i have a 180 thats full of corals i know if i sell now i would be lucky to get 2,000 for it
  7. Chriswade79

    Chriswade79 Guest

    So is it common for you to look through here and talk shit to somebody trying to sell something? I see you have a couple of pumps you sold for a $100 each and if I would have known I just would have traded you my whole tank since according to you there of equal value.
  8. reefjunky2

    reefjunky2 Administrator

    ill leave it at what i said was not trying to start any thing .. i hope u sell it but how long will u have to keep trying to sell for someone to pay ur price to come along
  9. gregnlr

    gregnlr Grouper

    Chris my apology, I thought there was an error in your post.

    Hope this sells quickly for you.

  10. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator

    Lets keep this friendly.
  11. sethmcc

    sethmcc RRMAS Supporter

    if you do part out at some point then i would like one of the blue maxima clams
  12. Chriswade79

    Chriswade79 Guest

    I'll keep that in mind. I may have to part it out at some point. I'll let you know if I decide to go that route.
  13. No doubt, he is just trying to get what he thinks is a fair price for something, I'm sure, he put his heart and soul into. Geez. BTW, good luck. If you do decide to piece it out, and you would get closer to your asking price if you did, I thnk, please PM me. I am always looking for good quality used equipment.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2013
  14. Chriswade79

    Chriswade79 Guest

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