relocating a coral

Discussion in 'Corals' started by screwsloose, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. screwsloose

    screwsloose Guest

    i got a toad stool frag from the meeting in june and it has been growing great in the tank. i placed it in the center of the tank close to the front. it has started growing towards the rear only exposing its back to me. i dont want to disturd the growth or upset the coral but i would like to move it straight below the mh and closer to the back of the tank so i can see its face. will this hurt the coral by moving it in the tank or should i leave it where it is?

    here it is, its now about 4 " across and about the same tall

  2. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

    It won't hurt to move him. Just make sure he's not in the shade and there's good flow that moves the polyps vigorously.
  3. When you say move it there is the assumption that it has not already attached to the live rock that you have in the tank, otherwise you can move it pretty much anywhere you want with jaysuncles recommendations. If it has attached it is not a coral that you can readily remove from the rock, you would have to refrag the coral inorder to get it to a different spot. This is probably obvious but I just thought I would mention it.
  4. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    I agree with both of the other comments. Toadstool leathers attach very quickly and for the most part are permanatly attached the rock. You could try turning the rock around and facing it to the front, or as Schiller said you could frag it by cutting the head off and leaving the foot attached and you would have two in a very short time. Just mount the head where you want it and it should attach in a week or so. Hope this helps.
  5. Marti

    Marti Guest

    He may be growing that way because of flow of light. If you want to leave him there can you change your flow, it may be a little to strong. Another option....
  6. jaysuncle

    jaysuncle Guest

    Flow of light?
  7. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    You should know by now that Marti has her own language. Just read between the lines !!!!!
  8. espie

    espie Guest

    rofl.... we need a name for this language. Martian? [​IMG]

    We love you Marti. =D
  9. Marti

    Marti Guest

    Flow OR light! haha
  10. screwsloose

    screwsloose Guest

    thanks for the advise. i moved him and the rock to the new spot and i can see him nicely now. hes in high flow and plenty of light.

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