
Discussion in 'Invertebrates' started by amanning, Aug 20, 2010.

  1. amanning

    amanning Guest

    Well I wanted a turbo snail but I ended up with two nass snails instead. I drip acclimated them for about 1 1/2 hours before I put them in my tank. One slipped right out of it's little container and the other one held on for dear life. Once I got him out he landed on some uneven sand and ended up on his back. He righted himself pretty quickly but once he did a big piece of his body (or whatever, they're new to me) came out. He has almost completely buried himself in the sand since then but his 'parts' still remain covered in sand on the top. Did I somehow manage to kill my snail? He's been like this for about an hour now. The other one took off immediately and is now MIA, which I expected.
  2. reefmann

    reefmann Guest

    I dont think you killed him.....LOL

    Most snails we have in our tanks have defense mechanisms that will allow them to pop off the long "tail" portion of their body. If you go at them and pull them off the glass or something this some times gets triggered to fall off. The snail itself is fine and will go and hide while the other part will wiggle and keep the attention. Just like a lizard loses their tails. I had one do this to me not too long ago after pulling him off the glass of my big tank and throwing him in the little one.
  3. amanning

    amanning Guest

    Just eww. lol I'll keep an eye on him. I'm assuming his 'tail' thing should be removed as soon as I'm sure it's not attached?
  4. monkeybone87

    monkeybone87 Administrator

    I don't wanna hijack your thread, but I just added some rock to my tank and one of my turbos did the same thing....kinda.

    It's tail had antenna, a distinct foot, and changed direction as it slithered away. It looks like a baby snail without a shell. Is that possible?
  5. amanning

    amanning Guest

    lol hijack away! and again... eww! haha
  6. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    That body part you are thinking of is called their foot, and Nassarius snails have a huge foot that comes out when they flip themselves over, no need to be alarmed.
  7. amanning

    amanning Guest

    I was hoping you'd respond to this. I was going to just call but then I might seem like the spazz that I am. lol

    Yeah, he has apparently sucked it back in now and is alive because I did a test feed and he stuck his little tube thing straight out of the sand.

    Would you mind trying to remember to holler at me when you guys get turbo snails in? I'm getting desperate for one - things are getting rather green!
  8. mcmullenmark

    mcmullenmark Guest

    Red and blue leg hermits keep my rocks picked clean of algea.......just thought I'de throw that probably already have some........
  9. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    I'll write it down in our book to make sure I don't forget.

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