Snowflake eel

Discussion in 'Equipment' started by Hunter Orman, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Hunter Orman

    Hunter Orman Guest

    Are these good for beginners? If so can someone give me some good care tips the ones online vary so much! Thanks
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2013
  2. whippetguy

    whippetguy Super Moderator

    They tend to escape the tank and can make a snack of your other fish and are messy eaters which means water quality can deteriorate quickly. I'd say no to a beginner fish. See what others think.
  3. Hunter Orman

    Hunter Orman Guest

  4. Ztkirkpatric

    Ztkirkpatric Plankton

    Once they get big they will eat small fish, they're pretty neat though.
  5. Hunter Orman

    Hunter Orman Guest

    Can I keep one in a 46 gal
  6. monkeybone87

    monkeybone87 Administrator

    I would say no on the 46, not due to size, but due to water quality. They really eat a lot, and in turn put out a lot. In a 46 you would need big time filtration to keep water quality good enough for corals.
  7. Hunter Orman

    Hunter Orman Guest

    What if I just have fowlr
  8. fisher12

    fisher12 Past BOD Director

    I would say if you want FOWLR just hook up a good sized canister filter to control the waste and do regular water changes and you would be good to go. Predator tanks can be very interesting and if your tank is too nutrient rich for LPS and SPS corals, softies would do great and are usually good with predators. Maybe Will will post and you can talk. He has a very nice predator tank.
  9. Hunter Orman

    Hunter Orman Guest

    Ok that sounds good I have one rates for a 65 mabey I could add an average 30 gal filter as well!
  10. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    A snowflake eel and a dwarf lion were my first two fish when I got into the hobby and didn't have to many issues out of him. He escaped into the filter a lot and learning to feed him was a bit tricky but I still love the big ol fart!
  11. Hunter Orman

    Hunter Orman Guest

    Lol!!!! That's cool

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