So much for rock being cycled

Discussion in 'General Reef Discussion' started by Fishbait, Apr 4, 2017.

  1. Fishbait

    Fishbait Blenny

    Good news, nitrification is working

    Bad news, unless I am mistaken, I have brown algae, some diatoms, and a nice outbreak of cyano.


    On a positive note, I added a nice amount of bacteria and have plenty left for when I get the 175 cleaned and up. MAYYYYYYBE, I can avoid the same shenanigans in the big boy.
    Botheboss likes this.
  2. Deton8it

    Deton8it President Staff Member

    I look at Diatoms as a good thing. Every tank from the ugliest to the most gorgeous went through an ugly brown stage. The sooner it starts, the sooner it ends. Just let it run its course and it will eventually disappear on its own.
    LJC6780 likes this.
  3. Fishbait

    Fishbait Blenny

    Agreed. The cyano is my issue. That said, this is my secondary tank. Gotta hold livestock until the big one is set up. Rock in the bucket is almost completely established. I will add bacteria as soon as water is deep enough to hold the rock. Sand, over 150 lbs of established rock, and bacteria along with gyre circulation should help immensely.
    Deton8it likes this.
  4. Fishbait

    Fishbait Blenny

    oh, and @Botheboss I love the euphemism on the bottle of bacteria, "Earthy odor is normal and will dissipate over time." Earthy? Earthy? You mean smells like something died and a pungency that know down a bull moose?
  5. Botheboss

    Botheboss Director-At Large

    Lol rock might have had stuff on it that needed light. You test the water that rocks where in?
  6. Fishbait

    Fishbait Blenny

    I am a couple of days out from getting the tank put back together. Will likely test both the Brute and the holding tank tomorrow. If necessary, the brute will get bathed in bacteria before it hits the tank.
  7. Botheboss

    Botheboss Director-At Large

    I've read having lights off for a while helps build a thicker coat of bacteria on rocks. So alge has a harder time growing on them. Idk but I'm trying it now my water tested nitrite free last night. I'm gonna start adding fish once I get my nitrates down a little and I finish my aquascape. The leave light off for a week or so.
  8. light increases surface bacteria and prevents algae?
  9. Botheboss

    Botheboss Director-At Large

    No light is just supposed to get the bacteria established before the alge starts growing I'm guessing
  10. This suggest that if algae covers rock, bacteria will not grow, or not as populous.

    Or, that a porous surface covered in bacteria prevents or slows algae growth.

    huntindoc likes this.

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