Super sucking siphon and sump plumbing

Discussion in 'DIY' started by jason71832, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. jason71832

    jason71832 Guest

    Here it is, finished...trying it out tomorrow.

    Valve to suck out the air, ditched the one way valve (thanks Sam)
    Back and through the wall
    Sump in the garage
  2. fishermann

    fishermann Guest

    Looks great, nice job. What happens if the return pump quits, does the syphon stop filling the sump???
  3. grimmett

    grimmett Tang

    The water level in the tank will only drop as low as the top of the overflow its just like an overflow in a drilled tank.
  4. fishermann

    fishermann Guest

  5. graciesdad

    graciesdad Treasurer Staff Member

    I am using this diy siphon for my tank and sump too. It works great. I am glad that Sam showed me how to put it together. My tank looks so much better now that I added a sump with a built in refugium. Completely removed the little bit of cyano that was starting to grow on my sand bed. I would recommend this setup to anyone.
  6. meco65

    meco65 Wrasse

    Dose anyone have plans for this type overflow. Are they more reliable. I have the standard OTB overflow.
  7. grimmett

    grimmett Tang

    The plans came from the super sucker siphon in the diy forum and I have modified it some to make it pull more water than the plans said it would the ones that I have built are very reliable and I would recommend this over the store bought ones any day if only for the price IMO. I could tell you the mods I did to make it better if your going to build one.
  8. meco65

    meco65 Wrasse

    That would be great I would like to build one for my 70 Gal.
  9. grimmett

    grimmett Tang

    Meco65 I live in benton not far from you if you want you are welcome to come by and see the three I have running now. I can show you how it works. Just give me a call sometime, My #501-920-6012 Sam
  10. meco65

    meco65 Wrasse

    Ok thanks RRMAS
  11. bigman28

    bigman28 Wrasse

    I see you are putting that sump to good use. Looks good.Nice job on the siphon I have used one also and they work flawlessly.
  12. jason71832

    jason71832 Guest


    You bet. Starting to get things underway. I already have plans for a 135 like your (but with a calflo) if we keep our house. I will be a room divider in between our living room and kitchen. Gonna frame in a wall the width of the tank to set it in where it is flush with the wall on both sides. I love this overflow. Once I got the kinks worked out it is great.

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