Swallowtail angel

Discussion in 'Marine Fish' started by 501scionxb, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. 501scionxb

    501scionxb Moderator

    Is anybody keeping these guys? Or have kept in the past?

    Raffle grabber
  2. wlyon

    wlyon Guest

    I took care of one at the store when I first started working there almost 2 years ago now.  From what I remember make sure there is plenty of algae on the rocks for grazing, if not then use seaweed clips but don't use large sheets of seaweed, use smaller pieces since they have a harder time ripping it off and will end up ripping the whole thing off leaving it floating around the tank where they can't really get a good enough hold of it to eat it.  Then just make sure to use the standard angel fish foods such as nls pellets and ON angelfish formula.  I believe I fed him small amounts 3 times a day and he  was fat and happpy in no time. 

    Also I didn't have any problems keeping him with a many different types of fish throughout the 2 months we had him at all.

    You might want to check on temp requirements, I was thinking I read somewhere that they prefer slightly colder aquariums.  If I were to guess I would say around 74-78 but I can't remember.

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