Tiiiiiny Jellyfish?

Discussion in 'Invertebrates' started by midsummerznight, Jun 5, 2010.

  1. Hey guys. I recently turned my pump off of my aquarium and am seeing these little tiny.. what I can only describe as jellyfish.. at the top of my tank. Sometimes they just lay there on their sides until I move the water around but mostly they float down... and then pop pop pop back up to the top.. then repeat. I saw a few of them about a month ago when I had my pump off but since I'm new, I assumed they were just some odd little critter that I'd never seen before. I turned it off again and there are more.. but they're not growing very fast or anything. Some of them are definitely bigger than the other ones, though. We've been watching them for the past few days and today I called Lynn at Marine World and he freaked out. Told me to take pictures and video so that he could confirm but said it sounded like I had jellyfish. Anybody have this happen? Know anything about them? They're really cool little guys.. but what if I do have jellyfish? Won't they get big and outgrow my little 14 gallon tank? What do I do with them? Any advice is MUCH appreciated! I hate to bother Lynn until I have pictures/video for him.

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